الاصدارات العلمية

Al-Farawati, R. and  van den Berg C.M.G. (1997): The determination of sulfide in seawater by flow-analysis with voltammetric detection. Mar. Chem. 57, 277-286.

Al-Farawati, R. and van den Berg, C.M.G. (1999): Metal-sulfide complexation in seawater. Marine  Chemistry, 63: 331-352.      

Al-Farawati, R. and van den Berg, C.M.G. (2001): Thiols in coastal waters of the North Sea and English Channel. Environmental Science and Technology, 35(10), 1902-1911.

Chaudhry, F.A., Khomayis, H.S., Turki, A.J., Rasul, N., Al-Farawati, R. and Rady, M.A. (2001): A multi‑disciplinary oceanographic study of three environmentally sensitive sites along the Saudi Arabian coast of the Red Sea. KAAU. Final report.

Turki, A., El Sayed, M.A., Basaham, A.S. and Al-Farawati, R. (2002): Study on the distribution, dispersion and mode association of some organic and inorganic pollutants in a coastal lagoon receiving sewage disposal. KAAU. Final report.

El Sayed, M.A., Basaham, A.S., Rifaat, E.A., Niaz, G.R., Al-Farawati, R. and El-Mamoney, M.H. (2004): Sewage pollution in the coastal area south of Jeddah: the problem revisited. KAAU. Final report.

Al-Farawati, R. and El Sayed, M.A. (2005): Copper speciation in the coastal water of the Red Sea using cathodic stripping voltammetry. KCAST. Final report.

Al-Barakati A., Bantan, R., Al-Harbi, S. and Al-Farawati, R. (2006): Preliminary study of the marine environment in the coastal waters of Haql, Tabuk district. KAAU. Final Report.

Al-Farawati, R., El-Maradny, A., Basaham, A. and El Sayed, M.A. (2008): Reclaimed municipal waste water used for the irrigation of green areas in Jeddah: 1- Chemical Characteristics. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Marine Sciences, 19, 121-146.

Al-Farawati, R., El-Maradny, A., and Niaz, G.R. (2008): Chemical characteristics of the surface waters for Sharm Obhur, Jeddah, eastern coast of the Red Sea: nutrients, fecal sterols and ploy aromatic hydrocarbon. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Marine Sciences, 19, 95-119

Al-Farawati, R., El-Maradny, A., and Niaz, G.R. (2009): Faecal sterols and PAHs in sewage polluted marine environment along the eastern Red Sea coast, South of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 38(4), 404-410.

Al Farawati, R., El Sayed, M. A., and El Maradny, A.A. (2009):  Chemical modeling of dissolved nickel speciation in the coastal waters of Jeddah. Report, KAU, DSR, 55p 

Rasul, N. M. A., Abushosha, M. I., Al-Hazmi, O. A., Al-Nomani, S. M., Bahareth, F. Z., Widinly, N. A., Akbar, R. R., Qutub, A. S. and Al-Farawati, R. (2010): Bathymetric survey and ground-truthing of the Al-Karrar Laggon, Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Geological Survey, Technical Report (SGS-TR-2008-8), pp.77.

Rasul, N. M. A., Al-Hazmi, O. A., Abushosha, M. I., Al-Nomani, S. M., Akbar, R. R., Bahareth, F. Z., Widinly, N. A., Al-Farawati, R., Bantan, R. A., and Qutub, A. S. (2010): Sedimentological and geochemical properties and the application of satellite images in the two Shaibah Lagoons and the associated sabkhas, Red Sea coast of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Geological Survey, Technical Report (SGS-TR-2008-9), pp.114.

Al-Farawati, R. (2010):  Environmental conditions of the coastal waters of Southern Corinche, Jeddah, eastern Red Sea: Physico‑chemical approach. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(8), 3324-3337. 

Al-Farawati, R.,  El Sayed, M. A.  and Gazaz, M. (2010): Dissolved and particulate organic carbon in the coastal water of Jeddah, Eastern Red Sea. Egyptian Academic Society for Environmental Development. D- Environmental Studies, 10(2), 61-77.

Al-Farawati, R., Gazzaz, M., El Sayed, M. A., Al-Maradney, A. (2011): Temporal and spatial distribution of dissolved Cu, Ni and Zn in the coastal waters of Jeddah, eastern Red Sea. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 4, 1229-1238.

Al-Farawati, R. (2011): Spatial and seasonal distribution of total dissolved copper and nickel in the surface coastal waters of Rabigh, Saudi Arabia, eastern Red Sea. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Earth Sciences, 22(1), 29-44.

Al-Sofyani, A., Al-Farawati, R., El-Maradney, A. and Niaz, G.R. (2011): Long-chain aliphatic wax esters isolated from the sponge, Chalinula Saudensis (Demospongia) along the Jeddah coast of the Red Sea. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 59(1), 1-6.

El Sayed, M. A., El-Maradny, A., Al Farawati, R. and Shaban, Y. A. (2011): Evaluation of   the Adequacy of a Rehabilitation Programme, Implemented in Two Red Sea Coastal Lagoons, Using the Hydrological Characteristics of Surface Water. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Marine Sciences, 22(2), 69-108.

Al-Farawati, R., El Sayed, M. A., Shaban,, Y. and El Maradny, A.A. (2012):  Phosphorus speciation in the coastal sediments of eastern Red Sea. Report, KAU, DSR, 55p.

Shaban, Y., El Sayed, M. A., El Maradny, A.A., Al-Farawati, R. and Zobidi, M. I. (2013): Photocatalytic degradation of phenol in natural seawater using visible light active carbon modified (CM)-n-TiO2 nanoparticles under UV light and natural sunlight illuminations. Chemosphere, 91, 307-313. 

El Sayed, M. A., Al-Farawati, R., El Maradny, A. A., Shaban, Y., and Rifaat,A. E. (2013): Environmental status and nutrients and dissolved organic carbon budget of two Saudi Arabian Red Sea coastal inlets: a snapshot statement. Published online. DOI 10.1007/s12665-013-2557-y.

Al-Farawati, R., El Sayed, M. A., Shaban,, Y., El Maradny, A.A. and Orif,M. (2014): Phosphorus Speciation in the Coastal Sediments of Khawr Ash Shaibah Al Masdudah: a Coastal Lagoon in the Eastern Red Sea. Arab Gulf Journal for Scientific Research. 32(2/3): 93-101.

Al-Farawati, R. (2014): A comparative Study of the Analysis of Lipids in a Stony Coral  Pocillopora Damicornis and a Sponge Acanthella Carteri, along Obhur Creek, Jeddah Coast. Arab Gulf Journal for Scientific Research, 32(1): 62-67.

N. Augustin, M. Schmidt, C.W. Devey, A.M. Al-Aidaroos, B. Kürtena, A. Eisenhauer, W. Brückmann, M. Dengler, F.M. van der Zwan, P. Feldens,d, T. Kwasnitschka, R. Bantan, A. Basaham, D. Metz, J. Hagemann, I.O. Al-Dhouyan, R. Al-Farawati, A. Al-Haj, S. Al-Nomani, M. Al-Nuwairah, W. Al-Mehana, A. Al-Sofyani, S. Al-Yousef, , A. Al-Barakati, T. Bauersachs, G. Bruss, A.E. Elgarafi, M. El-Sherbini, , R. Haredy, K. Hissmann, M. Jamal, H.S. Khomayis, A. Kotob, T. Laurila, P. Linke, D.F. McGinnis, I.M. Orif, D. Pena-Garcia, J. Raddatz, A. Sas, Y. Sawall, J. Schauer, S. Sommer, S. Audritz, M. Winder, S. Walther. (2014): The Jeddah Transect Project: Extensive mapping of the Red Sea Rift. InterRidge News, 22:68-73.

Al-Farawati, R. (2014): Fatty acids composition of phospholipids in brown algae Sargassum subrepandum along the coast of Jeddah and bactericidal bioassay of the crude extract. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. acctepted

Albarakati, A., McGinnis, D. F., Ahmad, F., Linke, P., Dengler, M., Feldens, P., Schmidt, M., and Al-Farawati, R. (2015) Heat content and flux through layers of Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea. submitted to Oceanologia.

Albarakati, A., McGinnis, D. F., Ahmad, F., Linke, P., Dengler, M., Feldens, P., Schmidt, M., and Al-Farawati, R. (2015) New thermal baby-steps and layer migration in the Atlantis II Deep, Red Sea. Submitted to Arabian Journal of Geosciences.

Schmidt, M., Al-Farawati, R., Botz, R. (2015) Geochemical classification of brine-filled Red Sea deeps. In: The Red Sea: The Formation, Morphology, Oceanography and Environment of a Young Ocean Basin. Rasul, N. and Stewart, I.C.F. (Eds.), Springer Earth System Sciences Series, 980 pages, ISBN 978-3-662-45200-4.

 Linke, P., Schmidt, M., Rohleder, M., Albarakati, A.,  and Al-Farawati, R. (2015) Novel Online Digital Video and High-Speed Data Broadcasting via Standard Coaxial Cable Onboard Marine Operating Vessels. Marine Technology Society Journal, 49(1): 7-18.


























































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